Saturday, 25 April 2015

Our Poppies

The children made poppies to commemorate Anzac.  

Making Anzac Biscuits

The children made Anzac biscuits at school with the help of Melanie and Suzanne. Altogether the children made 77 biscuits.  We talked about how they could divide them against 23 people. The children came up with their ideas such as sharing by giving 1 biscuit out at a time.  We thought there must be a faster way to divide. 20 + 20 + 20 = 60.  Each person got 3 each.  We had 17 left over?  We had a problem! What were we going to do with the left over biscuits? Some children thought we could halve them.  It was decided that we would give them to the teachers by putting them in the staff room. The children wrapped their biscuits and took them home.  Super work Room 11.