Friday, 26 June 2015

Maths in action - Parents/Grandparents in Room 11

Wow!  It was super to have parents and grandparents come into our classroom to join us for maths.  They watch as we did our number counting activities and smart thinking to solve maths problems. They participated in maths activities and games.  The children enjoyed having them in.

Printing and Colour Mixing - Autumn Art

Melanie worked with the children printing leaves that we collected under the oak trees and then colour mixing with paint.  The children used their paintbrush making long strokes and dabbing to create a contrast.

Book Character Dress Up Day

Today was book character dress up day because Mr Bremer is leaving and he loves dress up days. The children had a fun day.

Skipping - Jump Rope for Heart

Th children all put 100% effort into our jump rope for heart day. Skipping individually, with a partner and long rope.  Well done Room 11.